Why I Lost My Interest in My Hero Academia
My Hero Academia is a shonen manga created by Kohei Horikoshi that tells a story about a young boy named Deku, who dreams to become the number one hero in Japan. But in a society where a superpower is normal, his dream becomes unreal to achieve, because he is one of the few people who doesn't have a superpower. One day, a certain event happens in his life, that changes his life forever. He meets All Might, his favorite hero, and inherited his power.
As a new manga that comes after the end of the Big Three era (Naruto, Bleach, and One Piece, even though One Piece is still running and remain to the top), My Hero Academia gives us something new and fresh. Deku as the main character is different than any other MC in battle shonen manga. He is not the kind of MC who is hot-headed, instead, he is a type of hero who calmly tries to analyze everything and is a little bit shy when it comes to the girl. The superpower in this manga is unique but simple, it's known as a quirk, and every character has a different quirk. Talk about superpower, Deku's power which is known as One for All doesn't come without some drawbacks, every time he uses his power to save someone, he broke one of the bones in his body, depends on how much power he used. As the story goes on, the author introduces tons of characters, start from Deku'classmates, his teacher, pro heroes, and many villains with their backgrounds. The good thing about MHA is it's just not only focus on their MC but also give a stage for some other minor characters, like Bakugo and Todoroki.
When a Good Series Starts to Bad
From what we know, MHA getting more attention from the manga and anime community, and in just a couple of years, it became one of the successful long-running series. But long-running series it's not without its problem. Long-running series without careful handling and planning will become boring, fill with unnecessary arc, repetitive, and lose their fanbase. Naruto and Bleach is one example of how great names, end in a bad story.
MHA itself is long-running series with more than 300 chapters and it looks like it's not going to end soon. Certain things make this manga stand out among the others. But things start to go down when the story moves to Meta Liberation Army Arc. The main villain in this arc is Destro, but as a villain, he doesn't look like a memorable villain. In fact, he just looks like some random stressed businessman who just went from bankruptcy and doesn't have enough motivation to become a villain. Meanwhile, the other member from this villain group doesn't look appealing. Things start getting worse when the story reaches Paranormal Liberation War Arc. The worst part is the final villain which is Shigaraki, who got too powerful from All For One power. He becomes something with multiple quirks that no one can stop him. From the start Shigaraki's quirk is powerful enough, it allows him to disintegrate everything that he touches. But this upgrade makes him invincible. This kind of power is overused. Many villains in other manga and anime already have this kind of power, to the point that it becomes boring, generic, and predictable.
If someone asks me, which one is the worst character in MHA, then my answer is Shigaraki Tomura. Why? It's because he doesn't have the charisma to be a great villain. From the design, character, power, and motives to become a villain, it doesn't make impress me at all. And then suddenly, we reach the Final Arc, which is surprising because no one ever imagines that MHA will end soon. In this Final Arc, we see how Deku grows stronger, he can control all his powers, to the point that he can defeat every villain he encounters without difficulty. We've seen some drastic changes in MHA, but on the other hand, it becomes too predictable, that in the end, the last battle will be between Deku vs Shigaraki, One For All vs All For One.
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